JAMB CBT App 2025 (Android Phone): Score 280 and Above in JAMB 2025 Without Expo/Runs. Download JAMB CBT App Here

JAMB CBT SOFTWARE 2025 (PC/Computer): Score 280 and Above in JAMB 2025 Without Expo/Runs. Download JAMB CBT Software Here

JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses 2023/2024

What are the JAMB Subject combinations for all courses? JAMB subject combination for courses  in all faculties and fields such as Engineering, Medicine, Arts, Social Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and the rest has been published below.


If you want to register for JAMB then you definitely need to the JAMB Subject Combination for your course. That been the case; am very happy to inform you that the list of JAMB Subject Combination for all courses is now available.

We have updated JAMB subject combinations of all the courses offered in Nigerian Universities, polytechnics and colleges of education which can be selected during JAMB registration.

For those who are new to the JAMB ecosystem, let me take a brief moment to explain what JAMB subject combination is all about.

What Is JAMB Subject Combination?

JAMB Subject combination in its simplest sense is a list of Subjects required to study a particular course in a tertiary institution in Nigeria . It is very important for aspirants to know the subjects required for them to study a particular course in the University, Polytechnic or Colleges of Education.

Candidates are to be extremely careful when choosing the Subject Combinations for the course they intend to study as they may be not be able to alter such after Registration.

To Know the list of topics you want to study in a particular, see JAMB Syllabus For All Subjects Here.

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JAMB Subject Combination For All Courses

The JAMB subject combinations for all courses are as follows:


Accounting Subject Combination
Accounting Technology Subject Combination
Actuarial Science Subject Combination
Adult Education Subject Combination
Aeronautical And Astronautical Engineering Subject Combination
Aerospace Engineering Subject Combination
African and Asian Studies Subject Combination
Agric Business Subject Combination
Agric Cooperative Management Subject Combination
Agric Economics and Extension Subject Combination
Agric Extension and Rural Development Subject Combination
Agric Extension Service Subject Combination
Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering Subject Combination
Agricultural Economics Subject Combination
Agricultural Engineering Subject Combination
Agricultural Science and Education Subject Combination
Agricultural Technology and Education Subject Combination
Agriculture Subject Combination
Agronomy Subject Combination
Anatomy And Human Anatomy Subject Combination
Animal and Environmental Biology Subject Combination
Animal Nutrition Subject Combination
Animal Physiology Subject Combination
Animal Production and Health Subject Combination
Animal Production Subject Combination
Animal Sciences Subject Combination
Anthropology Subject Combination
Applied Biochemistry Subject Combination
Applied Biology Subject Combination
Applied Botany Subject Combination
Applied Chemistry Subject Combination
Applied Geology Subject Combination
Applied Geophysics Subject Combination
Applied Mathematics and Statistics Subject Combination
Applied Microbiology Subject Combination
Applied Physics Subject Combination
Applied Zoology Subject Combination
Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Subject Combination
Arabic and Islamic Studies Subject Combination
Archaeology Subject Combination
Architecture Subject Combination
Automobile Engineering Subject Combination
Automotive Engineering Subject Combination
Banking and Finance Subject Combination
Biochemistry Subject Combination
Biological Sciences Subject Combination
Biology Subject Combination
Biomedical Engineering (Technology) Subject Combination
Biotechnology Subject Combination
Botany Subject Combination
Building Subject Combination
Building Technology Education Subject Combination
Building Technology Subject Combination
Business Administration Subject Combination
Business Education Subject Combination
Business Management Subject Combination
Chemical Engineering Subject Combination
Chemical Sciences Subject Combination
Chemistry Education (Education and Chemistry) Subject Combination
Chemistry Subject Combination
Chinese Studies Subject Combination
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Subject Combination
Civil Engineering Subject Combination
Civil Law Subject Combination
Classical Studies Subject Combination
Common and Islamic Law Subject Combination
Common Law Subject Combination
Communication Arts Subject Combination
Communication and Language Arts Subject Combination
Computer Science Subject Combination
Creative Arts Subject Combination
Criminology and Security Studies Subject Combination
Criminology Subject Combination
Crop Production Subject Combination
Crop Science Subject Combination
Curriculum Studies Subject Combination
Cyber Security Science Subject Combination
Cyber Security Subject Combination
Demography And Social Statistics Subject Combination
Dental Technology Subject Combination
and Dental Surgery Subject Combination
Early Childhood Education Subject Combination
Economics And Development Studies Subject Combination
Economics And Statistics Subject Combination
Economics Subject Combination
Education And Biology Subject Combination
Education And Business Administration Subject Combination
Education And Christian Religious Studies Subject Combination
Education and Computer Science Subject Combination
Study Education and Economics Subject Combination
Education and Geography (Geography Education) Subject Combination
Study Education and Government Subject Combination
Electrical And Computer Engineering Subject Combination
Electrical And Electronics Engineering Subject Combination
Electrical Engineering Subject Combination
Electronics And Computer Engineering Subject Combination
Electronics Engineering Subject Combination
English And International Studies Subject Combination
English Language And Communication Studies Subject Combination
English Language Subject Combination
English And Literary Studies Subject Combination
English And Literature Subject Combination
English Studies Subject Combination
Entrepreneurial Studies Subject Combination
Entrepreneurship Subject Combination
Environmental Biology Subject Combination
Environmental Education Subject Combination
Environmental Engineering Subject Combination
Environmental Health Science Subject Combination
Environmental Management Subject Combination
Environmental Management And Toxicology Subject Combination
Environmental Science Subject Combination
Estate Management Subject Combination
Fine Art/Fine And Applied Arts Subject Combination
Fine and Industrial Arts Subject Combination
Fisheries And Aquaculture Subject Combination
Fisheries Subject Combination
Food Science and Technology Subject Combination
Forensic Science Subject Combination
Forestry and Wildlife Subject Combination
French, French And International Studies Subject Combination
Genetics and Biotechnology Subject Combination
Geography And Environmental Science/Management Subject Combination
Geography Subject Combination
Geology / Geological Science Subject Combination
Guidance And Counselling Subject Combination
History and International Relations Subject Combination
History and International Studies Subject Combination
Human Kinetics Subject Combination
Human Resources Management Subject Combination
Igbo Subject Combination
Industrial Chemistry Subject Combination
Industrial Design Subject Combination
Industrial Mathematics Subject Combination
Industrial Microbiology Subject Combination
Industrial Physics Subject Combination
Industrial and Production Engineering Subject Combination
Industrial Relations And Personnel Management Subject Combination
Information And Communication Science Subject Combination
Information And Communication Technology Subject Combination
Information Science And Media Studies Subject Combination
Information Technology Subject Combination
Insurance Subject Combination
International Relations And Diplomacy Subject Combination
International Studies And Diplomacy Subject Combination
Islamic Studies Subject Combination
Computer Science and Information Science Subject Combination
Education And Mechanical And Automechanic Technology Subject Combination
Education And Physics Subject Combination
Education And Political Science Subject Combination
Education And Religious Studies Subject Combination
Education And Science Subject Combination
Education And Social Science Subject Combination
Education And Social Studies Subject Combination
Education And Sociology Subject Combination
Education And Yoruba Subject Combination
Education Arts Subject Combination
Education Fine And Applied Arts Subject Combination
Education/Fine Art Subject Combination
Education Foundations And Management Subject Combination
Education/History And International Studies Subject Combination
Education Igbo And Linguistics Subject Combination
Education Language And French Subject Combination
Education Pschychology And Curriculum Studies Subject Combination
Education Technology Subject Combination
Educational Administration And Planning Subject Combination
Educational Administration And Supervision Subject Combination
Educational Administration Subject Combination
Educational Foundations And Administration Subject Combination
Educational Foundations Subject Combination
Educational Management And Planning Subject Combination
Educational Management And Policy Subject Combination
Educational Management Subject Combination
Educational / Psychology Guidance And Counseling Subject Combination
Educational Technology / Introductory Technology Subject Combination
Educational Technology Subject Combination
Efik-Ibibio Subject Combination
Electrical And Information Engineering Subject Combination
Electrical/Electronics Education Subject Combination
Electrical/Electronics Technology Education Subject Combination
Electronics And Computer Technology Subject Combination
Electronics Subject Combination
Elementary Education Subject Combination
Energy And Petroleum Studies Subject Combination
Energy Studies Subject Combination
Engineering Physics Subject Combination
English Literature And Language Subject Combination
Entrepreneurship Studies And Innovation Subject Combination
Environmental Management Technology Subject Combination
Environmental Protection And Resources Management Subject Combination
Environmental Resources Management Subject Combination
Environmental Science Resources Management Subject Combination
Exercise And Sports Science Subject Combination
Family Nutrition And Consumer Sciences Subject Combination
Film And Video Studies Subject Combination
Film Arts Subject Combination
Fisheries And Aquatic Resources Management Subject Combination
Fisheries And Wildlife Management Subject Combination
Fisheries Management Subject Combination
Fisheries Technology Subject Combination
Food Engineering Subject Combination
Food Science With Business Subject Combination
Forestry And Environmental Technology Subject Combination
Forestry And Wood Technology Subject Combination
Fulfulde Subject Combination
Gas Engineering Subject Combination
Geography And Planning Science Subject Combination
Geology And Geophysics Subject Combination
Geology And Mineral Science Subject Combination
Geology And Mineral Sciences Subject Combination
Geology And Mining Subject Combination
Geophysics Subject Combination
Geoscience Subject Combination
German Subject Combination
Zoology And Environmental Biology Subject Combination
Agricultural Administration Subject Combination
Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Subject Combination
Agricultural And Environmental Engineering Subject Combination
Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology Subject Combination
Agricultural Extension and Management Subject Combination
Agricultural Production and Management Science and Education Subject Combination
Agriculture and Resources Economics Subject Combination
Animal Breeding and Genetics Subject Combination
Applied Chemistry Subject Combination
Arts Combined Honours Subject Combination
Auto and Mechanical Technology Education Subject Combination
Automobile Technology Education Subject Combination
BA Single and Combined Hons in Modern Languages Subject Combination
Bioinformatics Subject Combination
Business and Entrepreneurship Studies Subject Combination
Cell Biology And Genetics Subject Combination
Christian Theology Subject Combination
Comparative Religious Studies Subject Combination
Computer and Communication Engineering Subject Combination
Computer Education Subject Combination
Computer Information and Communication Science Subject Combination
Computer Science and Informatics Subject Combination
Computer Science and Information Technology Subject Combination
Computer Science and Mathematics Subject Combination
Computer Science with Economics Subject Combination
Computer with Electronics Subject Combination
Computer with Statistics Subject Combination
Conservation Biology Subject Combination
Construction Technology Education Subject Combination
Cooperative and Rural Development Subject Combination
Cooperative Management Subject Combination
Counsellor Education Subject Combination
Criminology And Penology Subject Combination
Crop And Environmental Protection Subject Combination
Crop Production And Horticulture Subject Combination
Crop Production And Landscape Management Subject Combination
Crop Production And Protection Subject Combination
Crop Production And Soil Science Subject Combination
Crop Production Technology Subject Combination
Crop Protection Subject Combination
Crop Science And Biotechnology Subject Combination
Crop Science And Horticulture Subject Combination
Crop Science And Production Subject Combination
Crop Science And Technology Subject Combination
Crop Soil And Environmental Science Subject Combination
Crop Soil And Pest Management Subject Combination
Curriculum And Instruction Subject Combination
Data Management Subject Combination
Drama/Dramatic/Performing Arts Subject Combination
Earth Science Subject Combination
Ecology And Environmental Studies Subject Combination
Ecology Subject Combination
Economics /Geography/Physics Subject Combination
Economics With Operation Research Subject Combination
Ecotourism And Wildlife Management Subject Combination
Education Accounting Subject Combination
Education And Accountancy Subject Combination
Education And Arabic Subject Combination
Education And Edo Language Subject Combination
Education And Efik/Ibibio Subject Combination
Education And English And Literary Studies Subject Combination
Education And English Language And Literature Subject Combination
Education And English Language Subject Combination
Education And French Subject Combination
Education And Hausa Subject Combination
Education And History Subject Combination
Education And Igbo Subject Combination
Education And Integrated Science Subject Combination
Education And Islamic Studies Subject Combination
Education And Language Arts Subject Combination
Education And Mathematics Subject Combination
Education And Music Subject Combination
Education /Construction Technology Subject Combination
Education / Language /English Subject Combination
Education /Mechanical Technology Subject Combination
Entrepreneurship And Business Management Subject Combination
Environmental Management And Pollution Control Subject Combination
Environmental Technology Subject Combination
European And Nigerian Languages Subject Combination
Fisheries And Aquatic Environment Management Subject Combination
Forestry And Environmental Management Subject Combination
French With German/ Russian Subject Combination
Geography And Geosciences Subject Combination
Geology And Petroleum Studies Subject Combination
Glass Technology Subject Combination
Government And Public Administration Subject Combination
Hausa Subject Combination
Health And Safety Education Subject Combination
Health Education Subject Combination
History And Archaeology Subject Combination
History And Diplomacy Subject Combination
History And Diplomatic Studies Subject Combination
History And Strategic Studies Subject Combination
History/Sociology Subject Combination
History Subject Combination
Home And Hotel Management Subject Combination
Home Economics And Education Subject Combination
Home Economics And Hotel Management And Education Subject Combination
Home Economics And Management/ Economics Subject Combination
Home Economics Subject Combination
Home Science And Management Subject Combination
Home Science Nutrition And Dietetics Subject Combination
Home Science Subject Combination
Horticulture Subject Combination
Hospitality And Tourism Subject Combination
Hotel And Catering Management Subject Combination
Human Biology Subject Combination
Human Physical And Health Education Subject Combination
Industrial And Environmental Chemistry Subject Combination
Industrial And Labour Relations Subject Combination
Industrial Chemistry Subject Combination
Industrial Education Technology Subject Combination
Industrial Engineering Subject Combination
Industrial Mathematics /Applied Statistics Subject Combination
Industrial Mathematics/Computer Subject Combination
Industrial Technical Education Subject Combination
Industrial Technology Education Subject Combination
Information Resource Management Subject Combination
Intelligence And Security Studies Subject Combination
International And Comparative Politics Subject Combination
International Relations And Strategic Studies Subject Combination
International Relationship And Strategic Studies Subject Combination
Islamic/Sharia Law Subject Combination
Kanuri Subject Combination
Laboratory Technology Subject Combination
Library And Information Management Subject Combination
Library And Information Studies Subject Combination
Library Science Subject Combination
Linguistic And Nigerian Languages Subject Combination
Linguistics And Communication Studies Subject Combination
Linguistics And Kanuri Subject Combination
Linguistics Fulfulde Subject Combination
Linguistics Igbo And Other African Languages Subject Combination
Livestock Production Technology Subject Combination
Local Government And Development Studies Subject Combination
Local Government Studies Subject Combination
Management And Entrepreneurship Subject Combination
Management Information System Subject Combination
Management Subject Combination
Mathematical Sciences Subject Combination
Mathematics And Economics Subject Combination
Mathematics And Education Technology Subject Combination
Mathematics /Computer Science Education Subject Combination
Mathematics/Computer Science Subject Combination
Mathematics /Statistics Education Subject Combination
Mathematics With Computer Science Subject Combination
Mechanical And Metallurgical Engineering Subject Combination
Mechanical/Automobile Technology Education Subject Combination
Mechanical Metalwork Technology Education Subject Combination
Media And Communication Studies Subject Combination
Metal Work Technology Education Subject Combination
Metalwork / Woodwork Technology Education Subject Combination
Meteorology And Climate Change Subject Combination
Meteorology Subject Combination
Microbiology And Biotechnology Subject Combination
Microbiology And Industrial Biotechnology Subject Combination
Modern And European Languages Subject Combination
Natural And Environmental Science Subject Combination
Nigerian Languages Subject Combination
Nursery And Primary Education Subject Combination
Nutrition And Consumers Services Subject Combination
Oceanography Subject Combination
Operations Research Subject Combination
Parasitology And Entomology Subject Combination
Pasture And Range Management Subject Combination
Peace And Development Studies Subject Combination
Petroleum Chemistry Subject Combination
Philosophy And Religious Studies Subject Combination
Physics And Computer Electronics Subject Combination
Physics And Energy Studies Subject Combination
Physics/Astrology Subject Combination
Physics Electronics Subject Combination
Physics Electronics Subject Combination
Physics/Industrial Physics Subject Combination
Physics With Computational Modeling Subject Combination
Physics With Electronics Subject Combination
Physics With Solar Energy Subject Combination
Plant Breeding And Seed Science Subject Combination
Plant Breeding And Seed Technology Subject Combination
Plant Physiology And Crop Production Subject Combination
Plant Science And Crop Production Subject Combination
Plant Science And Forestry Subject Combination
Plant Science And Microbiology Subject Combination
Policy And Strategic Studies Subject Combination
Political Science And Conflict Resolution Subject Combination
Political Science And Defence Studies Subject Combination
Political Science And Diplomacy Subject Combination
Political Science And International Studies Subject Combination
Political Science And Public Administration Subject Combination
Political Science / International Law And Diplomacy Subject Combination
Population Studies Subject Combination
Portuguese/English Subject Combination
Portuguese Subject Combination
Primary And Elementary Education Subject Combination
Prosthesis And Orthopaedic Technology Subject Combination
Psychology Education Subject Combination
Public Administration And Local Government Subject Combination
Public And Community Health Subject Combination
Public And Private International Law Subject Combination
Public Relations And Advertising Subject Combination
Religious And Human Relations Subject Combination
Remote Sensing And Geosciences Information System Subject Combination
Russian With French/German Subject Combination
Russian Subject Combination
Secretarial Administration And Education Subject Combination
Shipping And Maritime Technology Subject Combination
Social Justice Subject Combination
Soil And Environmental Management Subject Combination
Soil Science And Land Agro-Climatology Subject Combination
Soil Science And Land Management Subject Combination
Soil Science And Technology Subject Combination
Soil Science Management Subject Combination
Special Education Subject Combination
Sport Science And Health Education Subject Combination
Statistics/Computer Science Education Subject Combination
Statistics Education Subject Combination
Statistics With Demography Subject Combination
Teacher Education Subject Combination
Technological Management Subject Combination
Technology And Vocational Education Subject Combination
Technology Education Subject Combination
Telecommunication And Wireless Technology Subject Combination
Textile Science And Technology Subject Combination
Transport And Logistics Management Subject Combination
Transport And Planning Subject Combination
Transport And Tourism Subject Combination
Water Resources And Environmental Engineering Subject Combination
Water Resources Management And Agrometeorology Subject Combination
Wood Production Engineering Subject Combination
Wood Products Engineering Subject Combination
Woodwork/Education Subject Combination
Woodwork Technology Education Subject Combination
Yoruba And Communication Arts Subject Combination
Zoology And Aquaculture Subject Combination
Land Surveying and Geoinformatics Subject Combination
Law Subject Combination
Linguistics Subject Combination
Literature In English Subject Combination
Management Studies Subject Combination
Management Technology Subject Combination
Marine Biology / Marine Biology And Fisheries Subject Combination
And Finance Subject Combination
Marine Engineering Subject Combination
for Marine Geology Subject Combination
Marine Science And Technology Subject Combination
Marketing Subject Combination
Mass Communication Subject Combination
Mathematics And Statistics Subject Combination
Mathematics Subject Combination
Mechanical Engineering Subject Combination
Mechatronics Engineering Subject Combination
Medical Biochemistry Subject Combination
Medical Laboratory Science Subject Combination
Medical Rehabilitation Subject Combination
Medicine and Surgery Subject Combination
Metallurgical And Material Engineering Subject Combination
Mining Engineering Subject Combination
Molecular Biology Subject Combination
Music Subject Combination
Nursing/Nursing Science Subject Combination
Office And Information Management Subject Combination
Optometry Subject Combination
Peace and Conflict Resolution Subject Combination
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Subject Combination
Performing Arts Subject Combination
Petrochemical Engineering Subject Combination
Petroleum Engineering Subject Combination
Petroleum And Gas Engineering Subject Combination
Pharmacology Subject Combination
Pharmacy Subject Combination
Philosophy Subject Combination
Physical And Health Education Subject Combination
Physics Subject Combination
Physiology And Human Physiology Subject Combination
Physiotherapy Subject Combination
Plant Biology And Biotechnology Subject Combination
And Biotechnology Subject Combination
Plant Science Subject Combination
Policy And Administrative Studies Subject Combination
Political Science And International Relations Subject Combination
Political Science Subject Combination
Polymer Engineering Subject Combination
Polymer And Textile Engineering Subject Combination
Pre-Primary And Primary Education Studies Subject Combination
Production Engineering Subject Combination
Psychology Subject Combination
Public Administration Subject Combination
Public Health And Public Health Technology Subject Combination
Pure And Applied Chemistry Subject Combination
Pure And Applied Mathematics Subject Combination
for Pure Chemistry Subject Combination
for Pure And Industrial Chemistry Subject Combination
Quantity Surveying Subject Combination
Radiography Subject Combination
Religious And Cultural Studies Subject Combination
Religious Studies Subject Combination
Science Education Subject Combination
Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) Subject Combination
Social Work Subject Combination
Sociology And Anthropology Subject Combination
Sociology Subject Combination
Software Engineering Subject Combination
Soil Science Subject Combination
Statistics Subject Combination
Structural Engineering Subject Combination
Surveying And Geoinformatics Subject Combination
System Engineering Subject Combination
Taxation Subject Combination
Technical Education Subject Combination
Telecommunication Engineering Subject Combination
Telecommunication Management Subject Combination
Telecommunication Science Subject Combination
Theatre Arts Subject Combination
Language And Literature
Languages And Linguistics
Linguistics / Edo
Linguistics / Urhobo
Linguistics / Yoruba
Linguistics and African Languages
Theatre And Film Studies
Theatre And Media Arts
Theatre And Performing Arts
Visual and Applied Arts
Tourism Studies Subject Combination
Transport Management Subject Combination
Transport Planning And Management Subject Combination
Urban and Regional Planning Subject Combination
Veterinary Medicine Subject Combination
Vocational And Technical Education Subject Combination
Wildlife Management Subject Combination
Yoruba Subject Combination
Zoology Subject Combination



Benjamin Anyigor is a Professional Blogger, Google Adsense Publisher, SEO Expert and the Founder of BENTENBLOG. You can connect with him on Twitter here and Instagram here.

574 thoughts on “JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses 2023/2024”

  1. Sir with this result English c6 math c4 civic c6 Christian religion studies b3 economic b3 literature e8 government d7 Yoruba f9 data processing f9 wat can I study with DAT

  2. It is really nice checking this page.
    We are really working great at leukocyteng.com.ng to make sure that we make things work well

  3. What can I study with these subjects
    Marketing c5
    Crs. B3
    Government B3
    Lit in English f9
    Civic. B3
    English c5
    Gen maths. A1
    Agric sci. B3
    Biology. C6

  4. I have d7 English maths b2 civic education c4 lit in English f9 crsf9 marketing a1 government c4 agric b2 civic c4 what course can I study and which university or poly

  5. I Have C5 In Chemistry Nd I Want To Study Petroleum And Gas Engineering Can I Gain Addmission Into The Unversity Of Port Harcourt

  6. Good day sir
    Plz I have
    C6 in tourism
    C6 in. English
    C6 civic
    C6 in biologl
    C6 in economic
    B3 in agric science
    D7 in physics
    D7 in chemistry
    F9 in maths
    And want to study anatomy since I don’t have maths,chemistry can i put awaiting result in my jamb am about writing this next month which is January

  7. Please sir I want to study political science can this subject go please English,…..CRK……Government and literature in english???? Or can biology be added??

  8. So can I fill in a subject I didn’t do into as one of my jamb combination?
    Like adding govt to my jamb combination when I didn’t do it in my waec

  9. Please I intended studying law as my first and last course but after my result came out, I didn’t credit my Literature, what do I do? in fact, it was F9 parallel

  10. pls my Jamb score is 169 and I use awaiting result of 2018 NECO Examination ,but the result is not out and my school cut off mark Iz out wat should I do?

  11. sir this are my subjects I don’t know the subject I should read please help me out
    c. r. s
    lil English

  12. Hello plz can i study Business Administration with the Jamb combination of English, Government, Mathematics and Literature?

  13. Please I registered Eng,Economics,Govt and Crs as my Jamb subjects for this year 2018. For mass communication, pls have I chose n a good choice?

  14. I Want To Study English And Literary Studies But Did Not Offer Econs In Waec.My Jamb Combination Is English,literature,government And Crs

  15. i wan to study International Studies and Diplomacy under social and science management at uniben, please what are the JAMB subject Combination

  16. SIR what can i study with this result. maths..b3 english..c4 market..c4 economic..d7 geography..d7 biology..d7 chemistry..c5 physics..c6 civic education..f9. and which school is preferred but i would love [pti delta state] & [fupre delta state]

  17. Mr Ben 10 Pls can I study Mass communication in unilag with this result
    Data processing E8
    Crk c6
    Economics B3
    Govt E8
    Lit C6
    Civic A1
    English C6
    Yoruba D7
    Mathematics B3

  18. Please admin can I do comp science with this waec result
    Maths – B3
    Chemistry – B2
    Data processing – B2
    English – B3
    Bio – C5
    Phy – C6
    Economics – C5
    Civics – B2
    TD – F9

  19. Mr ben pls am from ekiti nd science student bt i dnt pass physic pls wch courses cn i read under health or wch science courses cn i read under science pls ans am waitin pls help me list them

  20. Benjamin well done sir. I see a lot of people are asking questions left and right but my major concern is not even with the combination of courses but how JAMB reduced the cut-off mark its still panning me till 2mrw. Mr Benjamin you will agree with me that reducing Jamb mark will only prove that most Nigerians can’t pass the exam. so is education not based on merit again? I will leave you guys to answer that one

  21. Pls Sir,
    I did not do economics in my waec.
    I want to go for mass com, can I still do it in JAMB
    Pls I need a answer

  22. i wrote English, literature in English, commerce and CRK in jamb. what will i study?
    also i was so unfortunate in my jamb result . My jamb score was 156 cause of the malfunctioned system i used. so which polytechnic will admit me?

  23. Mathematics B3
    English B3
    biology c4
    chemistry B2
    economics C6
    animal husbandry A1
    civic outstanding
    physics E8
    and i want to study medlab or biochemistry can i get an admission? Cos E is just pass

  24. pls i wana go for fin art bt i don’t have it on ma ssce result cos the school i atended neva did fin art. Am i gona get admitd?

  25. I want to go for philosophy, can I use Maths, govt,econs and English? and secondly, can someone go for me international relations without using literature?

  26. Pls I didn’t ryt mathematics in my jamb, I rote English, Commerce, Economics and crs nd I want to study Economics, will I be admitted, if no which course should I switch to

  27. I have an option to change course and it’s international relations but I did Christian religious studies in jamb is it possible

  28. I have an option to change course and it’s international relations but I did Christian religious studies in jamb is it possible .

  29. sir Ben can I study economics with english ,maths,economics,and lit in eng.pls reply me I need immediate answer.

  30. Plz sir, can I study linguistic with this subjects;English. Maths, Phy, Chem, bio, economic, civic, Building Engineering, and Igbo

  31. I registered English, Government, lit in English, biology but I couldn’t find the subject combination in d above listed, pls wic course can I study wit dat, urgent pls

      • It’s getting me confused sir…what other subjects do I need to complete combination for
        psychology after these-ENGLISH,GEOGRAPHY,GOVERNMENT

  32. Please Sir i want to study accounting but i dint make my economics can i combine wit accounting subject?

  33. I register CRK, Use of English, Government and Literature can i study political science with this subject i registered please i need your reply

  34. I don’t have literature in my waec and I registered it in my jamb and I want to study edu/social study what can I do about it my 0level I had dis engb3,mathsb3,govt c5,ecoc4,crsb2,literature d7

  35. I don’t have literature in my waec and I registered it in my jamb and I want to study edu/social study what can I do about it my 0level I had dis engb3,mathsb3,govt c5,ecoc4,crsb2,literature d7

  36. I don’t have literature in my waec and I registered it in my jamb and I want to study edu/social study what can I do about it my 0level I had dis engb3,mathsb3,govt c5,ecoc4,crsb2,literature d7

  37. Pls sir I need ur help can I go for political science with these subjects? Crk C6,govt B3, civic A1, eng C6, maths C6, Agric C4

  38. Which course will I study with the following grades: English-b3,mathematics-b3,literature-c5,government-c4,crs-b3,igbo-b3,animal husbandry-c4,economics-c6

  39. Please sir,I want to studied English but when filling my jamb subjects i put, English, Literature-English ,Maths, Economic,will it stop me from getting English as a course thanks.

  40. Please sir,I want to studied English but when filling my jamb subject i put, English, Literature-English ,Maths, Economic,will it stop me from getting English as a course thanks.

  41. pls in my jamb registration I pick physics, math, chemistry and English I forgot to pick biology and the course I want to do is biochemistry pls what am I going to do?

  42. plz am a commercial student am not that good in maths and accounting,am about to take jamb ….but am confused on what to study in the university,,,,,,would appreciate if u would put me through.

  43. pls sir what can I study with this result? com d7, marketing b2, econs e8, govt c6, I.r.s c6, civic c7, eng c6, maths b3, and biology c4 pls I need ur advice urgently am convince not to write literature.

  44. pls sir what can I study with this result? com d7, marketing b2, econs e8, govt c6, I.r.s c6, civic c7, eng c6, maths b3, and biology c4 pls I need ur advice urgently am convince not to write pls sir what can I study with this result? com d7, marketing b2, econs e8, govt c6, I.r.s c6, civic c7, eng c6, maths b3, and bi

  45. Pls sir My jamb subject combination is literature, government, geography ND English I applied 4, international relations do I need to change any of d subject to econs or is my combination still OK?

  46. pls i want to study English language but i did not credit my literature in English what is the next alternative subject for it.

  47. Plz wat course can I over wit did result.eng c4 math c5 govment b3 crk c6 civic-edu b3 computer b3 biology c6 lit n eng d7 econs c7.

  48. econs c6
    geog c4
    English b3
    maths c4
    agric b3
    biology d7
    physics e8
    Chem c5
    can I study economics in Unilag if no wat can I study n which university

  49. hi I don’t have physics and biology can I study mathematics if not wat are alternative course n which university pls

    • English, Government Plus Two Other Art Or Social Science Subjects. If you dont have Literature, then Choose Two Art Subjects without Literature. Maybe CRK and other Course or so.

  50. Pls if i didn’t write literature in my waec and neco but i have economic, english and government /crk. Pls can i put literature in jamb? Coz i wanna study mass communication. Please sir help meMe

  51. can I study sociology in unical with this combination in jamb
    commerce ç4
    eng ç4
    lit in eng b2
    did not make my exons in waec…

  52. Pls sir,what course can i study with the following results.maths c6,eng c4,physic 5,agric c4,georaphy c5,chemistry d7,economics d7.

  53. Please can i study Nautical Science in Maritime Academy Of Nigeria Oron with the following W.A.E.C. result { Chemistry C5, Maths C5, English C4, Geography C1, Physics E8, Govt. C3, Agric science C3, Biology C3 and Economics C2. Please help me thank you.

  54. good evening sir….can I study mass communication with the following subjects like.. English,commerce,government and crs.

  55. Please I want to study English and literature or sociology. but I have
    Geography. .
    But I don’t have government. ..

  56. pls what social science course can I change to that won’t require calculation and what combination can I go for In jamb. my o level result is
    eng c5 math c6 econs c6 physics c5 biology c5 commerce c6 finicial account A3 chemistry c5 yoruba B3 geography c6 agric c6 chemistry d7 using both nabteb amd waec wan change from science dept to any other

  57. please can I study international Relations without literature in my Waec …cos I was a commercial student but wana study that course …please help me

  58. i wnt to study mars communication but am comfuse of the suject combination which are english, literature in english, economics, an government or c.r.k/i.r.k pls hw do i do To select the right suject?

  59. Can I study tourism without mathematics? Or Can tourism n hospitality management go with English, econs, govt and commerce?

  60. pls i want to study mass comm in ui, this is my result maths..c4,eng..c5,govt..d7,econs..c4,civic..c5,irs..c4,lit in eng..c5,yorub…c5,book keeping..c4 can i go ahead

  61. pls do i need economics to study international relations in uni ibadan and can i use my neco result,pls respond fast be4 i fill my form

  62. Pls can i study mechanical engineering with the following neco result? Eng lang c4,maths c6,economics d7,geography c5,chemistry d7,physics c5,agric c4.pls i need your respond

  63. plz sir, can my jamb combination be maths, english, economics and account to study accounting in lasu or unilag. plz, i need answer immediately.

  64. What subject combination will go for mechanical engineering and which school offers the course?

    And also Agriculture engineering?

  65. please admin…. is it possible to study mass communication with English, literature, geography, & crs … without government in BUK

    Click Here to Pri

  67. Clarification on LAW Subject Combination

    For those who want to study law without econs – you can preferably use Commerce but you cannot use both econs and commerce.

    Govt + Lit +Econ/Comm + English
    for schools like Unilag

    Govt + Lit + Crs/Irs/Econ/Comm + Eng
    for other schools

  68. please i want to study economices and the combination i put in jamb was maths, English, commerce and economic can it go

  69. please i want to study economices and the combination i put in jamb was maths, English, econs, and commerce can it go please

  70. pls can someone study civil engineerin without register chemistry in Jamb nd my Jamb subject combination ar,math,eng,phy nd geo is dis possible

  71. plz sir, i want to apply for sociology can I do the subject combination this way(English language, government, economies and CRs.

  72. please can I study soil science with this result English C6 mathematics C6 chemistry C6 biology C6 physics e8 economic C6

  73. I want to study international relation. can my jamb combination be as follow; English, mathematics, Government and Economics?

  74. Pls sir Ben, if med lab Z my first choice can i put nursing as my second choice or computer science, Pls i need a reply sir

  75. I want to study banking and finance.wasec result math c6, eng c4, comm d7, civic f9, bio c4, account c4 fishery b3, economic c5.can I study the course banking

  76. pls sir can i study ECONOMIC with this result NECO eng c6 math b3 bio c6 civic b3 i.r.s b3 hausa b3 phy c6 chemistry b2

    WAEC eng d7 math c6 hausa c5 isl d7 geo d7 agric d7 economic c5 gov d7 bio c6
    sir can i study economic or adversing in anather course

  77. I got c5 in my neco, except liter-eng d7,can I study psychology or history with this results,and what are the combine subject to use in jamb thanks

  78. boss Ben10 can I study com science with this result
    ben10 I need your response abeg

  79. why is the course combination for geophysics is not included in the list. please can i know the course combination for geophysics since that of geology is included. thanks

  80. pls I have d7 in economics in my result but have credit I n math eng government commerce, account. civic b3 and so on
    can I study philosophy at lasu

  81. pls what course can I study with this result mathsB2,engC6,litD7,biologyC4,civicB3,yorubaB3,crsC6,government B3 ,catering C5 I will be glad if you can answer me thanks…

  82. pls sir what course can I study with this result mathsB2,engC6,lit in engD7,yorubaB3,civic educationB3, biologyC4,crsC6,government B3,catering craftC4, I will be glad if you can answer me…..thanks

  83. sir what social science or commercial courses can I study without economics and literature,I have commerce,English,maths,biology, chemistry, physics, agric ,geography

  84. Pls help me out..i don’t realy knw which lucrative course i can study with this subject comb..ENGLISHLANG,ECONOMICS,GEOGRAPHY,GOVERNMENT?Plz i need ur responce..tankz

  85. Pls sir help me out, can i study medicine and surgery or petroleum and gas engineering with the above 0’level result….
    MATHS, physics and ENGLISH C6,
    Pls help me out am confuse.

  86. pls i want to study agric economics and farm management but in my ‘O’ level result i didnt do economics.can i be admitted

  87. Plz sir wit dis waec results
    commerce b3
    account A1
    Economics b3
    civic education b3
    english B3
    igbo c5
    maths b2
    biology c6
    animal husbandry b3
    can i study business administration??

  88. Plz sir wit dis waec results
    commerce b3
    account A1
    Economics b3
    civic education b3
    english B3
    igbo c5
    maths b2
    biology c6
    animal husbandry b3
    can i study business administration??

  89. Pls, I want to study Mass Communication but I don’t want to write Econs. Can I substitute it with CRS? Pls reply cos am in a dilemma now. Thanks

  90. Can i study mass communication with this result.
    Math:c4, English: c6, economic: b3. Civil: c4. Lit in English: f9. CRS:b3. Commerce: c4. Government: c6

  91. What course can one do with (WAEC)

  92. pls sir i want to study internacional studies and diplomacy and they said i should choose use of english,govment and any other two then i put crk and commerce, is it okay cause i dont have econs

  93. Please I have D7 in English in my waec and neco, can i do biochem in any university of my choice? I had C in chemistry, B in biology and physics

  94. Pls Bro. Ben , I want to treat Philosophy and I am an Art student but I don’t know De Subjects require to put in my jamb

  95. Pls help me out on this, my Eng.b3 Govt.c6 Econs.c5 Crs.c4 which curses are qualify for these combination? Pls admin i need ur response.

  96. pls sir am a science student buh i lately gain intrest in studying english….pls sir is it possible or can i make it as my second choice

  97. Admin pls, what can i study with this waec result…
    Maths- b3
    Eng- c4
    Lit in english-c6
    Eco- d7
    Biology- e8
    Igbo – e8
    Civil edu- a1
    Gov’t- b3

  98. Please sir I wann go for mass communication but I don’t know if with this result is it gonna be possible
    Crs A1
    Exo B3
    Govt B3
    Lit English C6
    English B2
    Please I need your response tank you

  99. Oga Ben Can I study Public Administration with this English C5,Mathematic C4,Govenment B3, History C4,Islamic Studies C4,Agriculture Science D7,Economic D7,Biology C4

  100. pls i want to read public or business admin bt i scrab biology and am only having,maths,english,civic,marketing,econs,government,commerce and literature,my question is it possible to study those courses mention above in university of kano that’s buk?

  101. Thanks Admin 4 ur swift response in respect 2 my question on WAEC results over 10years…. But i wud still want 2 b sure if atall der’s any Instition dat might put it as a consideration, dat is, may not accept it…..

  102. after joining my GCE n waec I v my five credit wic are
    English, maths civic education,agriculture,CRK
    Pls I want to knw wic kind of course can I go for and wat subject can I do in my jamb and I need d list of school dt allow 2 sitting
    If I can gt my reply nw I will b happy

  103. plz sir, i dont want to study law again becuz, is very expensive which other course can i partake that is associated with law subject. plz sir

  104. Pls help me with this result wch course can I study with it
    math c6
    English c6
    Marketing c4
    Civic c4
    Yoruba c4
    Agric b3
    Crs c4
    Lit in english f9
    Government f9
