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JAMB & WAEC (O Level) Subject Combination For Sociology

Do you want to study Sociology? Are you looking for JAMB or WAEC subject combination for Sociology? If so, am happy to inform you that JAMB and WAEC Subject combination for Sociology has been released and is now available.

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All JAMB and WAEC candidates who are interested in studying or having a career in Sociology are hereby informed that JAMB and WAEC subject combination for Sociology has been released.

What is Sociology about?

Sociology deals with the society, including how they relate, interact, and culture.

The clear meaning of Sociology is the study of society but with broad scope that covers social stratification, social mobility, social class, religion, law, secularisation, sexuality, and deviance.

With Sociology degree, you will have a foundation for better understanding and engaging with the globalising world. You will be equipped with the tools needed to make sense of the shifting social world and contribute solutions to difficult social problems

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JAMB Subject Combination For Sociology

For you to be on a safe side it is better if you aim for a score of 180 – 200 and above in JAMB UTME because anything short of that may deny you of Admission/Post UTME. Of course, if you have a score below 180, you can consider College of Education or Polytechnic.

JAMB UTME subject combination (subject to write in jamb) for Sociology are

  1. Use of English
  2. Three Social Science or Arts subjects.

O Level (WAEC and NECO) Subject Combination for Sociology

The subjects needed to study Sociology in WAEC must contain five (5) credit. This subject combination is also applicable to NECO AND GCE… The O level requirement that is the compulsory WAEC subject combination for Sociology must include:

Five (5) SSCE credit passes to include

  1. English Language
  2. Mathematics
  3. History/Government/Economics
  4. One (1) Science subject and any Arts or Social Science subject.

Places Where One can work with a Degree in Sociology

Various Career opportunities in Sociology include;

  • Guidance Councelor
  • Human Resources (HR) Representative
  • Lawyer
  • Management Consultant
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Media Planner
  • Policy Analyst
  • Public Relations (PR) Specialist.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Sociology.

Below contains various Universities in Nigeria that one can study Sociology and they are as follows;


Benjamin Anyigor is a Professional Blogger, Google Adsense Publisher, SEO Expert and the Founder of BENTENBLOG. You can connect with him on Twitter here and Instagram here.

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