Physics is one of the most kinda complex science courses out there because of the much calculation that it contains. Because of that, many students tends to perform poorly during the West African Senior certificate examination (WASSCE) or the National Examination Council (NECO).
Those that have performed poorly tends to start looking for the list of courses they can study without Physics in Jamb or O-Level Or probably the list of courses they can study with D7, E8 or F9 in WAECÂ or NECO.
If you are having any of the cases above then relax as we have the answer to your question.
Before we jump into providing you the list of courses one can apply for without Physics, let’s take a little break and analyze why people ask or seek for this answer.
See also Courses To Study Without Chemistry (With D7, E8 or F9) In WAEC/NECO.
There are two reasons why some people search for courses that does not require Physics.
1. Those that failed Physics (Had D7, E8 or F9) in their O-Level Results (WAEC or NECO)
2. Those that are having issues understanding Physics or don’t have much idea about the course but managed to Pass during their O-Level examination.
3. As a bonus, another set of people may be those that did not write Physics in Jamb.
Before gaining admission into any higher institution be it University, Polytechnic or Colleges of Education to study a particular course, some certain requirements are needed from each applicant for the course in question which they applied for.
Some of those requirements involve having a minimum of Credit in Physics in the O-Level certificate (WAEC, NECO, GCE etc) for some courses.
This means that the individual must credit Physics before applying for the course. Due to some inconveniences, many candidates are unable to have a minimum of Credit (C4, C5 or C6) in their WAEC, NECO or GCE results. Some end up having D7, E8 or F9 in the subject which in turn makes them ineligible to apply for that course.
Does that mean that all hope has been lost because their didn’t pass Physics in WAEC or NECO? Not at all. In this post, we are going to list out the courses one can apply for without Physics.
Now let’s go back and give an answer to the following set of questions:
What Courses Does not Require Physics?
Which Course can i apply for Without Passing Physics?
Can I get admission into any Course Without Physics?
Which course can i gain admission into without Crediting Physics?
We do hope this article is useful to you in solving the problem you are having. Please, share this article and help others. Also leave a comment below if you are having any issues.
See Jamb Subject (Course) Combination For All Courses 2017/2018
List Of Courses That Does Not Require Physics In JAMB
- Botany
- Dentistry
- Estate Management
- Fisheries
List Of Courses With Physics As An option (JAMB Only)
The list Of Courses With Physics as optional are for those that did not write Physics in JAMB and may also include those that had low grades in O Level (WAEC,NECO, GCE) etc.
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics
- Agronomy
- Anatomy
- Animal Production and Science
- Architecture
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Crop Production and Science
- Food Science and Technology
- Forestry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Statistics
- Soil Science
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Zoology
Comment:can I study medicine having D7 in physics (waec)???
with D7 in physics can i study gas engineer ,petrochemical engineer,industrial chemistry
Can i study medical laboratory without physic in my waec result
can i study micro biology without physics
I did neco and my chemistry is c6,biology is c6,and my physics is e8,which course can i study and should i do jamb
can’t we replace mathematics 4 physics??.
plz sir is there any course I can study without physics and chemistry… plz sir I need ur reply
I have d7 in physics can i study computer science
I ave e8 in physics did i need physics in estate management
i want to study mechanical engineer,but my physics was f9 in waec.. what can i do and i want to study mechanical engineer.
I scored e8 in physics and d7 in geograhy and i applied for building in futmina,will i b addmited
can I study microbiology with E8 in physics
Can I study architecture without physics and biology
With f9 in physics, can one study ESTATES MANAGEMENT?
Can I Study Computer Science with D7 In Physics In Malaysia?
can i study biochemistry with E8 in physis
can I study computer science with pass in physics
My GCE result is
Maths B3
course that i can study without physics
Can I stuffs plant science without physics
I had f9 in physics and I wanna study biological science will I still write physics in JAMB
Put math not physics
Can I study agricultural engineering with D7 in physics
You need Physics
pls can i study physiotherapy without physics?
I want to study medical libratory science ,bt my physics is f9
how will I do it
You need Physics to study the Course
I have d7 in physics, can I study microbiology
You Need Physics
Sorry can I study horticulture or botany in funaab with d7 in physics
You Need Physcis For most Courses. You can check JAMB Brochure Here.
Can I study architecture with d7 in physics
Guy u must be stupid, why then say we don’t need physic when all your reply here says we need physic.. U just made us read ur blog or what. Guy use ur head o…
I think English Is your Problem if you can;t the Whole Write Up Above Showing Where Physics is not needed and the Contest.
sorry 4 dt nsult u rcvd. brs. BT pls next tm know wat ur tlkng ant don’t try 2 mislead pill okay!!
Its okay but just mind the words you use in people.
Can i study human anatomy with d7 in physics?
See guys all ds qstns don’t always pay. d best ting 4 u is to know d rqurmnt of the schl and try 2 negotiate with the deprtmnt
can I study urban and regional planing without economic and physics
I think you need physics for most science courses.
So why did U start dis blog on enlightening people who failed physics on wat other course to study without physics,U urself typed in wat we can go around without having credited physics,so pls reply me could those courses really be studied without physics,yes or no.THANKS
Can I go for agriculture without phy?
Sturdy hard so as to avoid unnecessary stress and delay
Please i want to study HUMAN ANATOMY But i have 8c nd 1P nd the pass is physics will i gain admisstion?
what course can I sturdy with dis grade
English -C6
biology -B3
chemistry -A1
data processing B3
NB: can I study computer science or which course can I sturdy
You need physics
Can i study archtech in kwarapoly with D7 in physics
Can I combine two internal Waec to gain admission?
I want to study computer science but in one of my sitting I don’t have physics can I combine d two? Please reply me.
Yes you can
U know most courses require physics and yet u just put up list of courses clearly stating that they don’t require physics.
Please ,i have not e8 in my physics but i being want to study industral chemistry before and i don’t know if am still qualify
Please can I study industrial chemistry with waec result of d7 in physics, c5 in English, c6 in maths c5 in biology, b3 in chemistry. Please your reply is needed. Thanks hope to receive one.
I want to study zoology in Unilag but I had e8 in physics, am I good to go?
You need physics
I want to study microbiology, buy they said physics must be credited, and I have e8 in physics
but in microbiology, they require physics to be credited but I have e8. wat will I do then, and I want to study microbiology
You need physics. You can’t study it without it
you guys are so funny Ben 10 already listed out courses u can study witout physics
u can’t study microbiology without physics
so stop stressing D guy
plz sir is there any course I can study without physics and chemistry plz sir need ur reply