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JAMB Brochure for Sociology PDF Download

Are you interested in JAMB Brochure for Sociology under the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences? If that is the case, I am very happy to inform you that all the details concerning JAMB brochure for Sociology has been provided in this post.

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This is a notice to all JAMB candidates and those who are interested in studying Sociology under the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences in the University that JAMB Brochure specially made for Sociology which contains all the requirements necessary to study the above course in the institutions also mentioned below in this post is now available.

In the following JAMB Brochure for Sociology under the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, we will be providing the following:

Without further ado, let us get started.

Other Resources You May Need

JAMB Subject Combination For Sociology

In UTME, note that English Language is mandatory for all courses. The other three subjects required to study Sociology under the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences in the institutions listed above are:

Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects

Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks

(i) UI – The 3 subjects to be chosen from Arts, Science or Social Science subjects.

(ii) UNIPORT and AAU accept Mathematics as UTME subjects.

(iii) AAUA requires Government and accepts Mathematics.

(iv) KSU accepts English language. Mathematics and three others from Government or History, Economics, Geography, Commerce and Agric. Sci.

(v) FED-OYEEKITI, ABU and ABUAD require Government/History plus two other subjects

(vi) BSU accepts any three subjects from Arts or S/Sciences

(vii) WESTERN-DEL requires three Social Science or Arts subject.

(viii) LASU requires Government/History, Economics/Commerce and any other Social Science subject.

(ix) DELSU requires two Social science subjects and any other subject.

(x) ABUAD for Intelligence and Security Studies requires History/Government, Geography plus one Arts or Social Science subject.

(xi) KWASU requires Mathematics, Government and any other Arts or Social Science subject.

(xii) UNILAGOS requires three Social science subjects or Arts subjects. It accepts Mathematics as UTME subjects.

(xiii) FED-LAFIA requires Government and any two of Economics, Commerce, History, Geography, Literature in English or CRK/IRS.

(xiv) BAYERO requires Government or History plus two other Social Science.

O Level (WAEC and NECO) Requirements For Sociology

In order to study Sociology in the University, you will need to pass the following requirements in your O level result which can either be WAEC or NECO or even both:
Five SSCE credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three other subjects. At least a pass in Mathematics is required

Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks

(i) LASU requires credit passes in Mathematics, English Language and three other subjects from Economics, Government, Commerce, Geography, CRS, IRS, Accounts, Yoruba or a Science subject.

(ii) UNIILORIN requires at least 2 Social Science subjects and a pass in Mathematics.

(iii) AAU, UNIBEN, AAUA and DELSU require credits in Mathematics

(iv) UNIILORIN accepts Five ‘O’ level credit passes from Arts, Science or Social Science Subjects

(v) ABSU and UNICAL accept a pass in Mathematics.

(vi) UI accepts 5 ‘O’ level credits passes from Arts, Science or Social /Science.

(vii) FED-LAFIA requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Government and any two of Economics, Commerce, History, IRS or CRK.

(viii) DELSU and BOWEN require five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, and any two social science subjects plus any other subject.

(ix) UNILAG requires English Language, Mathematics plus two Social Science subjects and one Arts subject.

(x) REDEEMER’S requires five ‘O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and three additional subjects in Social; Sciences or Arts

(xi) AAUA requires credit in English Language, Mathematics and any one of Geography/ History, Government and any two other subjects.

(xii) ABU requires five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Government or History, Economics, Geography, CRK/IRK and at last a pass in Mathematics.

(xiii) KASU requires a credit in Mathematics.

(xiv) ABSU same as in Political Science.

(xv) GO same as in Political Science and International Relations.

(xvi) PAUL requires five SSCE credit passes in not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics and three Arts/Social Science subjects.

(xvii) BSU requires five SSCE credit passes from any Social Science or Arts subjects

(xviii) WESTERN-DEL same as in Political Science and Public Administration

(xix) JABU requires at least a pass in Mathematics

(xx) NDU requires five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Government or History and three other subjects in not more than two.

(xxi) KWASU requires credit passes in English, Mathematics, Government and any two other social sciences.

(xxii) ABUAD requires credit passes in English language, History/Government and any other two Arts or Social Science subjects. At least a pass in Mathematics is required.

(xxiii) GO requires five SSCE credit passes to include English, Mathematics, History or Government or Economics and two Science, Art or Social Science subjects.

(xxxiv) UMYUK requires Five credit passes at SSCE (or its equivalent) in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two from Commerce, Government Geography, Accounting and Book Keeping in not more than two sittings.

(xxv) FED-OYEEKITI requires credit pass in Mathematics and one Science subject.

(xxvi) KSU requires credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Economics/Geography/Government and any two other relevant subjects.

(xxvii) UNIPORT requires English Language and any three others from Social Science [including Mathematics]/Arts subject.

Direct Entry Requirements For Sociology

To apply for Sociology as a Direct Entry candidate, you require: Three Social Science or Arts subjects.

Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks

(i) UNIPORT – No direct entry

(ii) UI accepts 2 ‘A’ level passes from Arts, Science or Social Science.

(iii) UNILAG accepts;
(a) Very good passes in three JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Any three (3) of Economics, Government, Geography, History and CRS/IRS
(b) Cambridge A/Level pass in Government
(c) Candidates must satisfy O/Level requirement.

(iv) UDU accepts National Diploma in Mass Communication with credit level pass and NCE (Social Studies).

(v) UNIBEN accepts in Social Development and Administration

(vi) DELSU accepts two A’ level passes to include a Social Science subject.

(vii) LASU accepts ‘A’ passes in two relevant.

(viii) AAUA accepts ND upper credit in relevant fields. Requires ‘A’ level passes in Government and one Social Science subject.

(ix) IGBINEDION – As for Political Science and Public Administration.

(x) BOWEN accepts two ‘A’ level passes to include Economics and any one of Government, Geography and History

(xi) TASUED requires two of Economics, Government/Pol. Science, Religious Studies, Geography and Social Studies.

(xii) UNIJOS accepts two (2) ‘A’ level passes in any of the Social Sciences subjects for IJMB (candidates must have met ‘O’ level entry requirements).

(xiii) ABU accepts two ‘A’ level/IJMB which must include Sociology or Government/ History and any other subject.

(xiv) AAU accepts two ‘A’ level passes from Mathematics, Economics, Government and Geography.

(xv) WESTERN-DEL – Same as in Political Science and Public Administration.

(xvi) KWASU accepts IJMB and two A’ levels papers in relevant subjects.

(xvii) GO accepts BSc, BA or HND in any discipline.

(xviii) UMYUK accepts:
a. (IJMB) certificate with a minimum of nine (9) points. The IJMB papers should include Sociology and two other Social Sciences Subjects.
b. Two-year National Diploma in the relevant subject area, with a minimum of lower credit.
c. National Certificate in Education (NCE) with a minimum of ‘C’ grade in Social Studies and nine (9) points in overall grading.

List of Universities That offer Sociology

The following are the list of schools that offer Sociology:

To download JAMB Brochure for Sociology, click here.


Benjamin Anyigor is a Professional Blogger, Google Adsense Publisher, SEO Expert and the Founder of BENTENBLOG. You can connect with him on Twitter here and Instagram here.

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