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See How 2017 JAMB Exam And Questions Will Be Like

This post is to give answers to A lot of Jamb candidates who has been asking to know how JAMB 2017 will be like.


The Jamb examination for 2017 is fast approaching and many candidates who are prepared for the exam and those who are yet to prepare or are on the verge of preparing are seeking answers about whether this year’s Jamb exam will be easy and fair enough or just one heck of an exam that is very hard.

Jamb New Exam Structure

I will like to draw to the attention of the candidates that the Structure of this Year’s Jamb will be quite different from previous years as a lot of changes has been made both on how the questions will be presented, the number of questions and whether or not it will be difficult or easy.

The number of questions set by Jamb during other years were 250 in total, having 100 English questions, and 40 questions spread across other three subjects.

But things have changed this year, the number of questions for the 2017 Jamb exam has been reduced and time of the exam is also proportional to the reduction made on the questions.
This means that candidates will no longer be writing 250 total questions just like previous years, but it’s now going to be 180 questions under 2 hours.

During 2017 Jamb, Use of English will have 60 questions while other 3 subjects will have 40 questions each making it a 180 questions.

Some are saying that the exam will be very hard compared to other years but all those are lies to some extent.

Jamb exam will be very easy for those that has prepared very well irrespective of the number of questions they are to answer.

But, for those who are not making any preparations at all, it won’t be any easier for them as well even if they are to answer the questions in 5 hours: if they don’t know it within 2 hours, they wont know it within 5-10 hours as well.

So, study and prepare very well and this Jamb exam will be very easy for you as you will be writing it.

Bentenblog is wishing all our Jamb candidates success as they write the Exam that will build they future in they choosing Career.


Benjamin Anyigor is a Professional Blogger, Google Adsense Publisher, SEO Expert and the Founder of BENTENBLOG. You can connect with him on Twitter here and Instagram here.

60 thoughts on “See How 2017 JAMB Exam And Questions Will Be Like”

  1. Sir Ben I obtained jamb but is too difficult for me to attend private tortion due to the nature of my job and the environment I living how can you assist me I want 250 above as my result

  2. please oh every body should put me in prayer I registered for my jamb lesson just the day I was suppose to start my mom was arrested as if that was not enough me and my siblings were sent out from the house by our landlord because of wrong information that was given to him since 3weeks till now I have not read my books talk less of changing my cloths am even thinking of quitting jamb cause I don’t known what to writer please advice me Mr Ben what should I do now quite or continue thanks

    • Am very Sorry For that. If you a Have a Friend or Relative, you can stay with them and share they things While you are preparing for your Exam. The Condition is just Temporary. Am Very Sorry.

  3. thnks a lot dear.pls my cousin made a mistake in registering her jamb.instead of puting use of english,maths,physics & chemistry .she put biology & she want to study architecture can this error b corrected nw dat she hv completed her registration

  4. sir cn i study computer with this result
    MATH C5


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