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List of Courses Offered In Federal University Kashere (FUKashere)

What are the list of courses offered in Federal University, Kashere (FUKashere)? If FUKashere courses is what you are interested in then am happy to inform you that the updated list of courses offered in FUKashere has been published here.

Fukashere logo
Fukashere logo

Having given the above introduction on what this post is all about, this is to inform all those who wish to apply for admission in the Federal University, Kashere (FUKashere) that we have made a list of all FUKashere courses or departments if you choose to identify it like that.

Why Know the List of All Courses offered in FUKashere?

Before you apply for admission into Federal University, Kashere (FUKashere), you will first of all register JAMB and choose the school as your choice of institution. During that process, you must have had in mind the course you wish to study.

So, for you to apply for that course in JAMB, you need a list of courses offered in FUKashere in order for you to cross check and see if that particular course you have in mind is been offered by the school after which you can go ahead and complete your JAMB registration.

List of Courses Offered In Federal University, Kashere (FUKashere)

Without wasting any more time, here are the list of courses offered in FUKashere:

Accountancy / Accounting
Agricultural Science and Education
Applied Geophysics
Arabic Studies
Business Administration
Christian Religious Knowledge / Studies
Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
Computer Science
Criminology And Security Studies
Economics and Development Studies
Economics and Statistics
Education and Arabic
Education and Biology
Education and Chemistry
Education and Computer Science
Education and Economics
Education and English Language
Education and Geography
Education and Hausa
Education and History
Education and Integrated Science
Education and Mathematics
Education and Physics
Education and Political Science
Educational Administration and Planning
English Language
Guidance and Counseling
History and Diplomatic Studies
Islamic Studies
Plant Science
Political Science

Thats all we have to offer you on the courses/departments in Federal University, Kashere (FUKashere); If you have any questions or comment, do make sure to leave it below and i will attend to it as soon as i can.

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Benjamin Anyigor is a Professional Blogger, Google Adsense Publisher, SEO Expert and the Founder of BENTENBLOG. You can connect with him on Twitter here and Instagram here.

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