Do you want to study in FUTMINNA? Are you an aspirant that want to apply for admission into the Federal University of Technology Minna? If so, then you may have been searching for information on how to Gain admission into FUTMINNA.
Gaining admission into Tertiary institutions in Nigeria this days is very competitive because high number of people are applying for admission whereas only limited spaces are available. But the good news is : Some of the people that apply for admission into a particular institution always gain admission. How do they do it or what are the special things they do in order for them to come our victorious in the Admission atmosphere?
What I will have to tell you is that they followed instructions and put the required things needed for admission in order. Now let’s answer the question of this discussion.
HOW CAN ONE GAIN ADMISSION INTO Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMINNA).
To be able to gain admission into FUTMINNA, you need to get the required things ready which may be a certificate, results or other necessary things.
What are the requirements to gain admission into FUTMINNA?
The following requirements are necessary in order to gain admission into the Federal University of Technology Minna.
One of the Requirements is that the person must have passed at least 5 Credits in either WAEC, Or NECO at First Sitting or 6 credits in Two Sittings to be able to apply for admission in FUTMINNA .
Secondly, The candidates must register for JAMB and score at least a minimum of 200 Cut off mark (200 May not actually be the Cut off Mark but if it will be a good start if you can score 200 or more than) before qualifying to buy the Federal University of Technology Minna admission form. After those two requirements above, candidates are expected to prepare very well for the screening in order to score high which increases the chances of been offered admission.
To further increase your admission chances, you may still choose to apply for less competitive courses in FUTMINNA. To do that or see the courses that are applied for most or less, See FUTMINNA JAMB Registration Statistics  Here.
Please can I get admission with 180 in fut minna
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