Is Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME form out for 2024/2025? If you are interested in Dominican University Ibadan post UTME screening form then am very happy to inform you that this post you are reading currently contains all the details you need regarding Dominican University Ibadan post UTME form.
The general public are hereby informed that Dominican University Ibadan post UTME form is out for 2024/2025 academic session and has been updated here on this page. All candidates who chose Dominican University Ibadan as their choice of Institution can now proceed and follow the instructions below to apply for Dominican University Ibadan post UTME screening exercise.
Is Dominican University Ibadan post UTME form out? Yes. The procedures to buy and register Dominican University Ibadan post UTME screening exercise when it is out has been provided below.
Price of Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME Form
The cost of purchasing Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME screening form is N2,000.
Note: The amount above is assumed based on the fact that most school’s post UTME form costs around N2,000. However, we are going to update the actual cost of Dominican University Ibadan post UTME form as soon as possible.
General Requirements to Buy Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME Form
- Only candidates who applied through JAMB and chose the Dominican University Ibadan as their choice of institution and scored up-to the cut off mark are eligible. See Dominican University Ibadan cut off mark here.
- Obtained at least five (5) credit passes at GCE, SSCE, NECO, or their equivalent in not more than two sittings. The subjects must include English Language and Mathematics.
How To Apply for Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME Screening Exercise
- Interested candidates are to visit Dominican University Ibadan official website at
- Click on the post UTME form publication therein
- Follow the instructions provided there to successfully buy and register Dominican University Ibadan post UTME screening exercise
- Print out your POST UTME slip afterwards
Dominican University Ibadan Post UTME Closing Date
Dominican University Ibadan POST UTME Screening Date
We are going to update this page as soon as there is any update released concerning Dominican University Ibadan post UTME form by the management. Until then, continue checking this page for update on Dominican University Ibadan Post UME screening form.